What Comes First? The Chicken or the ?
Have you ever wondered what inspires an artist? Like why do they paint a particular scene or subject matter? Toss of a coin? A dream? I never really knew what came first the chicken or the egg and as cliche as that expression is I actually found out. With The Artist France, a particular work of art was serendipitous. I'm on the Board of Directors for Big Brothers Big Sisters. One evening, I was chatting with another member at an event. He knew I was representing artists and told me about his parent's upcoming anniversary. "Can your artist do something with wood or metal?" I remembered reading on Linkedin and of course savvy sayings on Pinterest a quote from Richard Branson, "If someone offers you an amazing opportunity, but you are not sure you can do it, say yes- then learn how to do it later!" This is naturally how I fly- I jump in, confident my wings will take flight. But it's different when you're counting on someone else. Li...