La Collection Mademoiselle

Every time I visit a museum, I play a silly game.  If I could have any painting in any given room, which one would I select?  It’s difficult to pick only one favorite. So, then I changed the rules.  I could pick three.  It didn’t make the choice any easier.  I love them all.  Want them all. Neeeed them all!

So now what do I do with all of the artists and their art I represent?  I need wall space and lots of it - but FOR MYSELF!!!   But, sadly I won't be able to keep every morsel no matter how much my heart races when I see it.  The joy is to have all of this amazing art available for the public to ooh- and -ahh and of course buy.

The Artist France has an eclectic style of painting. His art isn't one dimensional. Rather he expresses joy, innocence, whimsy, lunar exploration including aliens & spaceships.   Shown below is:

La Collection Mademoiselle - Inspired by le Moulin Rouge 

Dame de la Nuit

La Fille et le Soleil

Femme en Maillot de Bain Rouge


For pricing, size or for commissioned works of art contact:
Heidi Goldman Fine Art Agency


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